Home 9 Product 9 SPT002 – Diagnostics Printer for Gas Sensors

SPT002 – Diagnostics Printer for Gas Sensors

The SPT002 Printer connects directly to the TS1007 Sensor Diagnostics Tool to print out site reports that can then be attached to a sensor after commissioning. This allows an engineer to keep a full record of the history of the sensor.



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Complete Kit for Equipment Commissioning

Duomo offers a comprehensive range of equipment specifically designed to assist in the commissioning process. Our range includes the TS1007 Sensor Diagnostics Tool and the SPT002 Printer, which are essential for on-site certification. Additionally, we provide small and large bottles of calibrated gas and valves that are designed specifically for testing sensors. With Duomo, you can rely on our products to thoroughly test your gas safety system.

Enhance Efficiency with the TS1007 and SPT002

Connecting the TS1007 to the SPT002 printer allows engineers to effortlessly print out important information and leave it inside the sensor for future commissions. This innovative feature enables engineers to self-certify their work and stay informed about the sensor’s condition between commissions, enhancing efficiency and productivity.

Reliable Testing with Calibrated Gas

Our Duomo sensors can be effectively tested using our meticulously calibrated test gas. Whether you require small or large quantities, our gas is pre-calibrated to the precise concentration needed for accurate testing. We highly recommend using Duomo test gas, as using concentrations other than those suggested can significantly reduce the sensor’s lifespan.

Optimised Usage with Regulated Test Valves

To maximise the usage of the test gas, it is advisable to utilise our regulated test valve. This valve ensures efficient utilisation of the test gas, allowing you to get the most out of the bottle. When you choose Duomo products, you can confidently commission your equipment, self-certify your work, and maintain optimal performance within your gas safety system.

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Product Details

  • RS232 port connection
  • Baud rate - 9600
  • Parity - None
  • Data bits - 8
  • Power - 4 x AA batteries or external power supply


Onsite Diagnostics

If you require onsite diagnostics or technical assistance with any of our products please contact us

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We recommend Duomo Gas Detection products are serviced at least annually to ensure efficacy and extend sensor life. Our qualified team of engineers are available Nationwide.



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    Test Equipment Datasheet

    481.32 KB | pdf


Support & Service

If you require technical assistance or an annual service on this product please contact us and we will be happy to help. Our qualified team of engineers are available Nationwide.

Duomo (UK) Ltd

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